Legal Disclaimer and Notices

Copyright 2021-Present Harshal Bharatia

This project includes software developed by Harshal Bharatia
The Thermocloud Project (

Thermocloud is developed based on patented technology from Harshal Bharatia and is made available to you to experiment pursuant to his commitment to openness, freedom, experiment and innovate for energy conservation.

Operating an Heating, Ventillation and Cooling (HVAC) system involves inherent and very high risks. You assume all risks in experimenting with it using some or all components from this project. Irrespective of any statement made on this site, elsewhere, or in any direct or implied conversations, the project should be considered a work in progress of an experimental technology, with incomplete, unreliable, or untested implementations and does not claim to offer any guarantees of operation. All components of the project are provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

Thermocloud documentation and source code is made available to you under terms that encourage you to take, modify, reuse, re-purpose, and remix the content as you see fit in accordance to the terms of this license